A few days ago

Should I learn German and Spanish at the same time??

I am a sophomore at my high school, i am currently taking german 2, and i want to take spanish too online, however is it hard to take two language courses at once ? Also my english is not that good. Should i take both German and spanish or should i finish german 2, and than start with spanish.

Please give me a good answer!!! Thank you

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Spanish and German are two completely different languages. However, because you know German, you are familiar with the familiar and formal you (du & Sie) and the plural you (ihre). Spanish like German has male and female nouns (die,das,der, etc.), but they are sometimes opposite in Spanish (Die Sonne=f – el Sol=m). So it would be better to finish learning German first and then start Spanish or you may get too confused.

Hope it helps.


A few days ago
I did French, German and Spanish in High school.

German and Spanish are so different. You won’t mix them up like I did with French and Spanish.

It helped that I was at different levels in all the courses. It’s hard to do, for example, the two past tenses in two languages at the same time.

Taking a foreign language will help you with your native one.

French is, however, the best language to improve English, because of all the words William the Conquerer brought to england.

I think you stand a good chance because of the varying format of the two courses. Classroom and on-line.


A few days ago
well,I think no because you can always learn one and then another the next year,but i would say no because you can get mixed up with the languages and it’s probably really HARD!!!Past two tenses at the same time seriously are you kidding me.

If you take a native language it would probably help you with your foreign language.If you want to improve in English probably take french or English,but like i said don’t take 2 different ones like in German and Spanish i bet you will get mixed up!!!But,however i would first probably finish German then start spanish. hope i helped and got the best answer k bye


A few days ago
im taking spanish 1 right now and it is pretty confusing so i wouldnt take both the languages at the same time…you will probably end up getting them mixed up and it will be very difficult

A few days ago
Go ahead and take them at the same time. They’re plenty different, so you won’t get them confused. I wouldn’t recommend taking Spanish and Italian at the same time. You’d have a devil of a time keeping them separate.

A few days ago
I think it is best to wait until you finish one language before you start another one. it may be hard to keep both of them straight