A few days ago

oops…lion, lamb, cabbage?

Sorry, i am new at this… a lion, lamb and a cabbage on 1 side of a lake you must get them all to the other side 1 at a time. But, the lion will eat the lamb if left alone. the lamb will eat the cabbage. I know this is odd but it is my sons math homework. I am stumped.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
The Corinthian

Favorite Answer

take lamb, go back and get lion, take lamb back and get cabbage leaving lamb, go back for lamb

A few days ago
Take the lion and the cabbage across, then come back to get the lamb.

A few days ago
it sounds like there is something missing from this question… is there a limit of how many of the you can bring over at a time? do you have to always have one in the boat?

here’s my answer from what you have here:

bring the lion and the cabbage over first, then the lamb


4 years ago
bwuahhaha that made me giggle! sure, i could say you’re! yet however which you’re what you eat they say and seeing as pork, lamb and pigs eat vegetables, then you definately are technically ingesting the nutrition from greens besides! lol