A few days ago

New highschool??

well today was my second day of schhol……im a sophmore……i dont have ANY friends yet and i do try and talk to people…jeeeze….does highschool really blow this much?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Dear amanda_bbgd182,

I actually moved to another town the beginning of my junior year. I was basically like a freshman again. In a new environment with new people and new teachers. I had to start ALL over again and it scared me! High school is not that bad as everyone makes it to be. Don’t think so much about making friends. They are pretty easy to make. When you find someone that you have something in common with you won’t be able to stop talking! Make sure you choose your friends wisely. They are who YOU will become. It may seem that you aren’t like them at first but you will soon be changed and it will be too late when you actually realize it. Be smart in that department! πŸ˜‰

I will give you the same advice I gave to someone else.

I really think you should concentrate on doing well in school and don’t worry what others think of you. Don’t worry about making friends or being popular. Concentrate on what you love whether it be sports, clubs, student government, or whatever. Don’t let ANYONE discourage you and force you into doing what you don’t want to do. If someone is making you uncomfortable be vocal about it. Tell them to lay off! Be strong and don’t let ANYONE step on you. Have confidence and have fun! Everything will be alright. Remember what you have been taught and stick to your values. Don’t change who you are for ANYONE.

There is nothing to fear…just remember you are not the only one…there are others there too who are just as scared and don’t know what to expect. Everyone makes high school seem like a nightmare. It isn’t so bad.

Good luck and take care of yourself πŸ™‚

If you need anymore advice feel free to ask more questions and even contact me…glad to help πŸ™‚


A few days ago
evan b
thats how was when i transferred to a new school but worst cuz i was a freshmen. just try and join clubs that interest u and become friends with those people in the club.y? because they have the same interest as u. i am a sophmore now and all my friends were in the same clubs as me. but give it some time its only been 2 days.

A few days ago
well*sigh* im completely new to high school i am a freshman. by the way i am in band and we HAVE TO do marching band. It sucks the one year we get an extra long summer break i have to march outside 8 hours a day for two weeks. m opiniion of high school isnt too good but when school starts ill start to enjoy it

A few days ago
I went to a new HS since I decided to join a magnet school. I made friends by just introducing myself to ppl that I thought I would get along with. Do it during passing period when you go in your class. But then again, ppl at my school are all really nice, different than normal high schools….

A few days ago
maybe you’re acting too desperate, it scares people away