A few days ago

its a MUST READ!!?

Im in the 8th grade. There’s a guy that picks on me and I keep telling myself that I’ll kick his ***. Just today he was picking on me..calling me a bitchass and stuff….I was really getting to the point where I was gonna beat him up. But my body just wouldn’t let me do it. So basically my consience or however you spell it took over. Please help me? I’m not gonna tattle-tale or snitch or whatever.

Sorry bout the most read I just wasnt getting replies.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This doesn’t belong in the education section.

Um, you really should tell someone. You are perpetuating a vicious cycle of bullying if you don’t. If you just let a counselor know what’s going on, the bully will be punished for bullying without even knowing that it was you who told on him.