A few days ago
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Is it true if you were to go to college in canada that is would be cheaper?

or is that just a myth

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
DePop Arts

Favorite Answer

Hi. Yes, if you’re from the U.S., it can be cheaper to go to college in Canada, depending upon your parents financial status, your current college fund and your FASFA eligibility. But, be careful about your use of the terminology. In Canada, the term ‘college’ typically refers to an institution similar to our junior or community colleges here in the states. The terminology ‘university’ refers to an institution that offers a BS degree or higher (e.g., masters, doctorate). Canadian universities are typically much cheaper than our U.S. universities even though you’ll pay ‘international student fees’ and the mandatory fee for Canada’s healthcare during your studies. The website below offers all the information you need when considering an academic career in Canada. If you have any additional questions, you can fill out the feedback section on their last page and they’ll respond almost immediately. Good luck in your journey….

4 years ago
it extremely is low-priced for us Canadians, particular. for human beings from outdoors the rustic, they’ll pay approximately thrice what we pay (if not extra), as they do no longer pay taxes in Canada (which help to subsidize our learn). And no, each thing isn’t low-priced in Canada, particularly the choice certainly. Canadians bypass paying for the States through fact this is extra low-priced there.

A few days ago
i live in canada and if you live in new york state its best for you to go the college in the states and come to canada for your major in university