A few days ago

I wanna get good grades 4 this year what are some good study tips?

I wanna get good grades 4 this year what are some good study tips?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Mrs. S

Favorite Answer

Change all of your bad habits…Stay away from mindless activities that require little body movement (TV, video games, computer, etc). Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Eat nutritious foods and a balanced diet: less fat and less carbohydrates with plenty of protein. Drink water only, instead of sodas. Get an hour of exercise per day, and quiet down your environment. This will help increase your focus and concentration.

A few days ago
Stephanie D
Well, it’s only taken me 15 years of schooling to learn this… after every week, make sure you understand the new topics. Simple as that. Go over your notes and read your text book. Take notes of the important bits, to make revising for exams easier. And, during exams, after you have read over the whole paper, go ahead and answer the questions you definately know, it helps to stimulate your memory and helps you get into a groove for the questions you might be stuck on or have a bit of trouble with. Good luck.

A few days ago
First, stop using short cuts. Use “for” instead of “4”. And on a more serious note, know your strengths ans weaknesses. By doing that, give more effort on the subjects you find difficulty in (which is not to say you ought to take for granted the other subjects).