A few days ago

I need good, creative ideas for an art project to go with “The Scarlet Letter” for a high school student.

It is due in about 2 weeks, so there is time to do something really good. It is for my daughter’s AP English class. She is thinking about a photocollage centering around a scarlet “A”, but cannot come up with enough things to put in it. She is open to a whole different project, just trying to get ideas. Thanks!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I made a model of the town out of Popsicle sticks. I guess for the whole A thing, you could make an A, and on the inside put different stuff like a rosebush, a prison, or a scaffold.

A few days ago
their doing an art project for AP? wow, lucky lol. mm..i read scarlet letter last year, let me think………………….you could have a really big A and put the collage inside the A, and put pics of people doing good things. like helping elderly, serving food at food bank, teaching the underprivileged,etc. the reason i say to put good things in the A, is to show how Hester changed the meaning of her A from Adultress to Able. She is making up for her sin, by doing great things. So you can make the outline of the A dark black and ugly to show how it started out being a bad thing, and in the inside, put the collage with little flower stickers around it or bright colors somewhere in there, to show how beauty came out of something ugly. im 17.

5 years ago
I believe that BFing is probably the best thing you can do for a baby but I do not think that formula feeding is bad or hazardous. I think a class like that would make a person feel like they HAVE to BF. Especially if they tell them the formula feeding is hazardous. I also don’t think it’s right because some women just can’t BF weather it’s because of them personally, or because of the baby. And lastly, I would not support my son or daughter being part of a class like that. I personally like that they have Child Development classes, but I also believe that parents today let school teach their child WAY to much. It’s a parents responsibility to inform their children of these thing. How a person decided to feed their child is a personal choice, and I could honestly care less on which one a person picks as long as that child is getting feed.

A few days ago
How about the letter “A,” made up of pictures of discrimination and social activism (like “White only” and “Colored” signs, women’s suffragette marches, etc.) and below the letter A, the words “Once APART” spelled out. On the other side of the picture, have a collage of pictures of all kinds of people in the shape of the letter “A” and underneath it, the term “All-American.”

Just a thought.


A few days ago
How about a Photo collage with famous people caught in adultery as the pieces of a mosaic forming an A.

I recommend starting with Bill Clinton………….


A few days ago
Melissa D
I would say making As out of different things found in nature….leaves, twigs, litter, etc. Or find things that are red and use photoshop to black and white everything else but that item.