A few days ago

I have my Associates in Criminal Justice already, but I want to be a prosecuting attorney where do I start?

I have my Associates in Criminal Justice already, but I want to be a prosecuting attorney where do I start?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

First, congratulations on your degree!

Now, to business. You will need to pass the bar examination in order to be eligible to practice law. In order to take the bar examination you must (generally) graduate from an accredited law school.

In order to go to law school, you must generally graduate from an accredited University with a Bachelor’s Degree. Your degree can be in anything. You must also take the LSAT, which is the law school admission test. The better your GPA, and better your LSAT score the more likely it will be for you to get into a “good” law school.

So, step one for you is enrolling at a university and starting towards a Bachelor’s. Good luck!

…..In the interest of being complete… SOME law schools will admit you with an associates degree. SOME states will allow you to sit for the bar exam without graduating from a law school. However, the schools that take people without Bachelor’s typically have horrible bar passage rates. Since the whole point is to pass the Bar, it will do you more harm to try and take a shortcut by going to a school that is easier to get into. As for taking the Bar without graduating school… some states will let you take the bar if you have a certain number of college units, and have worked in law (as say a paralegal) for a certain amount of time. However, TONS of people want to be prosecutors. Without a law degree you will not be competitive for a job at the D.A.’s office.

Go get your Bachelor’s, take the LSAT, go to Law School, and then I’ll see you in court!