A few days ago

I am really worried about high school! [[10 points best answer]]?

I’m starting soon, I don’t know what to expect. What is it going to be like..PLEASE!! answer. I’m seriously freaking out!

1.What happends on the first day?

2.Do you make tons of new friends?

3.Any advice?


Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

ok, dont worry, its all going 2 be ok =)

when i first started highschool, i felt the same way, and hearing how people panic on tv shows about starting highschool only mad it worse, but i knew that i had no other choice but to try and think positive. being a freshmen in hs is not as hard and scary as it sounds, its actually pretty fun, because unlike transfering from one school 2 another, most of the people are new to the school and know no one there, and so, its very simple to make friends and fit in with the rest. on the first day, its akward like every first day of school, but eventually as the week goes by, u’ll find that u’ve made a lot of new friends by the end of the first week!!! so dont worry about it, just be happy and enjoy the rest of ur summer because highschool is not what people say it is, its actually much better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck sweety =)


A few days ago
First, do what the military does…


They send people ahead to see what’s what.

For you that means going about a week early and just walk around the school, especially if it’s a large building/campus.

Get a map and your schedule and actually go find each of your class rooms.

Your first day, be early. Get a good seat.

In each class the first day will likely be spent passing out books, the syllabus (outline of what’s covered in the class) and filling out a contact card for each teacher. They want your name, address and phone number for their own convenience.

There are parts of the syllabus they may be required to read verbatim.

Expect math homework your first day, especially if you’re in an advanced placement class. Otherwise, most classes’ first day is a “free” day in terms of actually having to learn anything.

Expect some sort of school assembly within the first week or so.

You should already have your required shirt and shorts/sweats for gym class; but you probably won’t dress the first day.

If you already have friends, great, especially when it comes to getting a locker partner (if required). If not, be friendly but try not to come across as too needy. High School is very cliqueish. When I went, back in the ’80s, the cliques were mostly based on what kind of music you listened to.

Maybe it’s different now. You’ll find out almost immediately.

Good luck, relax, have fun!


A few days ago
1. You scramble to get to your classes. Then, you meet some new people. Oooh… scary. (Seriously, it’s boring.)

2. You’ll only make friends if you want to make friends. High school is nothing but a change of scenery! You’ve still got the same people and the same class, don’t you? It’s just that instead of being eighth graders, you’re all ninth graders. You’ll still hang out with the same people and still have lunch together… you might even share some classes together.

3. Stop worrying so much. After a week, you’ll be bored.


A few days ago
Strive to Survive
I will tell you out of experience what happened to me on my first day of high school.

1. I waited for my schedule, and saw my friends from the past years , we talked about different subjects. They made us stay in the same room the whole day, and the following day we were allowed to go to our assigned classes.

2. Yes, and theres lots of really nice people. If you just be nice they will be nice to you in return.

3. Just study hard and enjoy your time, theres really nothing to worry about. Sometimes, you will miss high school once you’re out of it. Then probably one of these days you will be answering this same answer to someone else whose barely going through it.


A few days ago
Let me tell you that high school will be the best times of your life. You will meet some of your bestiest friends that you will have there. The first day is nerve racking and you want to throw up but it really is not as bad as you think it is. Just make sure you put school before friends!

A few days ago
hey dont worry about going into high school. sure its different than middle school and have more responsibilties, but u also have more partys and different ppl u can hang out with. u will meet lots of friends. and on the frist day u should wear a cute outfit, it always helps. usally on 1st days u have an assemly about the comming skewl year and u get ur schedule

A few days ago
1. Usually, you get introduced to your teachers, schedules are handed out, you get your locker combination, etc.

2. Yes. Since you are in a lot of different classes with many different people, you shouldn’t have a problem in high school.

3. DON’T SWEAT IT! High school really isn’t much different from middle school. Don’t worry, be happy! πŸ˜€


A few days ago
Don’t worry I’m going to be a Freshman too this year. I used to be nervous, but now I’m just plain excited. Why? Because honestly…what’s there to be afraid of? Just be optimistic and be excited for this next chapter in your education. All of the new people you’ll meet, the new and fresh subjects, all the options you have now…it’s really exciting. So just think of it that way! πŸ™‚

A few days ago
1. First thing chill out. Many of your old friends will be there too. So hang out with them at first.

2. Yes you will make new friends.

3. Just be yourself and talk to people.


A few days ago
highschool is alot fun. I was also nervous. On the first day you get settled in and after that youll be fine. You will meet tons of new people in highschool dont worry.