A few days ago
Sea Legs

How long does it take most of you to study for like…a science test?

If you didnt really understand a certain subject and you had a test the next day how long would it take you to study and understand the material?

Just tryng to get ideas of how long it may take me.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Sgt Little Keefe

Favorite Answer

Hon, I always allowed 2 hours of study time for each hour of material I had to study for. In other words if my test was for the entire semester, I would begin studying at the beginning of the semester at least two hours for each time I went to the particular class, so at the end of the semester it all came together in my mind and I could warrant an A or A+

A few days ago
At least an hour, maybe two. The day before a test, I never get caught without my notes. I read them over whenever I find I have a break in my day, and also make some time to re-write them and do other activities that can help me remember then. I never spend more than ten minutes at a time studying, however.

A few days ago
read over the chapters the test is about…if there are like 4 chapters and you dont want to read that much…read the first 2 sentences of every paragraph, read all the vocabulary words and definitions, and also anything written in italiscised or bold font…it should take around 1 hour if you do these things…

A few days ago
we do about a chapter a week then test on friday, he makes us do the objectives, review and outline for each section, so i just gather all the main points in the outline and study those for about 15minutes the night before the test, i do pretty good

A few days ago
err, a while. depends how well youknow the subject.

since i wasn’t that great at science i spent like 5 hours making note cards and reviewing them but if you get the text some-what then i’d say about 2.


A few days ago
it depends on how much i had to know. flashcards always help me study. just stay calm and dont freak out and do the best you can. it would probably take me up to 2 hours. good luck :]