A few days ago

How does one distinguish between different parts of speech (verb ,noun, etc)?

could u list the different parts of speech too?? thanx

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not an English teacher, but I can give you a start:

First, look for the “action” in the sentence. That is most likely the verb. For instance, in the sentence, “He called his friend.” Called is the action, so the word called is the verb.

Next, ask yourself who or what ‘called’. He is the one who called, so he is the subject. The subject is always a noun or pronoun.

Next, ask your self who he called. He called his friend, so the word friend is the direct object. The word friend is also a noun.

The word his is a pronoun.


A few days ago
There are eight parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The one best piece of advice is to see how the word is being used, what it’s doing in the sentence. For example, run can be a noun (I scored a run), verb (My nose runs), adjective (I have a runny nose), etc.

A few days ago
use this site for definitions. a verb is an action or state of being (is, was, were, etc.) a noun is what does the action. an adverb tells how the action was done and usually ends in -ly. an adjective describes the noun.

A few days ago
Noun-Person, Place, or thing (ex. mom, the bank, dinosaur)

Verb- Action Word ( running, skipping, walk)

Adjective- Description Word (beautiful, skinny, green)