A few days ago

how do you build good communication skills?

what do you think it takes to communicate well with others?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Sal SR

Favorite Answer

Tips that should help you gain better communication skills:

1) Talk about topics that you are comfortable with, with people who would like to talk to you.

2) If the topic switches to one that conversation starters are not comfortable with or know little about, conversation starters choose to become listeners rather than speakers. Do this and you will find yourself absorbing a lot of information that you were previously not knowledgeable about.

3) When you are in a conversation with someone, make it a point to make eye contact with whoever you are speaking with – and smile in a friendly way so the speaker knows you are not hostile.

4) Interject humor into the conversation whenever possible. It becomes possible to do this if you feel that the other people in the group share the same mindset as you. If you are not sure, play it safe.

5) If the group is deeply engrossed with a topic, do participate by introducing your own point of view on that topic.

6) If you want to be a good conversationalist, it helps to be a voracious reader. Read about various topics that interest you, not necessarily topics that are popular at the moment.

Don’t force yourself to become interested in other topics just because you know other people like those topics – you will come across as trying too hard later on.

7) Ask other people in the group to contribute their own opinions as well. Some people would like to participate in a conversation but find it difficult because of natural shyness. Encourage such people to react to your own opinions and you will find that the conversation becomes richer as a result.

8) When other people react to your point of view, learn the fine art of absorbing their opinions then volleying your own reaction to those opinions. Take note that you don’t need to be hostile since opinions can be expressed in a mild tone of voice as well.

9) Avoid emotion-laden words. It may become unavoidable that one will occasionally become emotional during a conversation, particularly if the topic is one close to your heart.

10) Telling anecdotes about yourself is always a good option to liven up a conversation. It is a form of self-revelation and may encourage others in the group to tell their own stories as well


A few days ago
Barbara W
One of the best ways to build good communication skills is to become a good listener. Everyone likes the opportunity to talk about their favorite subject – themselves!. Ask open ended questions( ones that can’t be answered by yes or no) Look interested by using eye contact, and not getting distracted by other things that are going on. Ask another question to get the person to go into more detail or give more information. Look to help the other person, not to get. It is very validating for the person to feel ‘heard’, and understood. Don’t interrupt, or come in with your own experiences until later on. Don’t just listen to the words, look at their body language too to get the message.

Most of the time, when someone feels heard and validated, they will respond by asking you a question. It is far easier to answer a question, than try to create conversatation, and when someone asks you a question, it gives you an open opportunity to speak.

We have 2 ears and 1 mouth.Good communication skills come from learning to communicate in that percentage. By trying to validate the other person by listening it also builds a connection, and a trust, and then they are far more willing to hear what you have to say.