A few days ago

Dropping out…?

Okay, I started [British] college yesterday and I didn’t really like it. I told my mum that I want to drop out because there’s no point carrying on if we’re moving {Yes, we’re moving to a completely different town in about a month’s time}. But I can’t help but feel pathetic and stupid because I’ve dropped out a day later. I feel like I can’t accomplish anything now. I didn’t know anyone in my class and even though I made friends with one person, I was still really shy and I was envious of all the girls who could just chat away to each other like they’d known each other for years. I’m planning on starting college again when I move, but I’m feeling so down atm I don’t know what to do anymore… Please help, advice would be cool.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Please re-enroll yourself ASAP in your new college.

I could drone on about how your life will really suck if you do not attain some form of higher education- but you just need to look at your local benefits office to see that- not a pretty prospect is it?

Don’t worry about fitting in or freinds- some people are just shy others are extroverts.

You’ll make friends in plenty of time and most likely meet a very nice boy/girl (sorry these times require me to put that in).

Chin up sweetheart- it’s all good. Have fun and enjoy learning- you’ll look backon your college years as some of the best in your life.

I was at uni for about 6 years- then did an open-learning degree which took 2. Had an absolute ball of a time and wish I could return to them silly, fun, drunken uni days!


A few days ago
you’ve already got the plan…just go with it.