A few days ago

Boarding/Prep type school??

I live on the coast of North Carolina about forty-five minutes from the Virginia border. I have been homeschooled almost my whole life but I want to go back to school next year.

Problem is that I don’t want to go to the public school here. Not only academics but I just don’t want to go to a school like the one that is here.

So I was talking to my mom and she mentioned maybe a boarding school, which would be great!

Does anyone know of any in NC or VA that is…under maybe 10 grand a year??

If so, please let me know I would really appreciate it!!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It might be difficult to adjust from being home schooled to boarding school so I would suggest looking for private schools in your area, just because a school is a boarding school doesn’t mean its necessarily that much better than a day school. Also, schools may be more expensive but depending on your income you can recieve need based financial aid or merit based. At my school the tuition may be 30,000 but 60% of kids recieve financial aid, but this all also depends on the school so ask them about it. This website should help finding a boarding school by location: www.schools.com. Best of luck!

A few days ago
I really do hate to burst your bubble but boarding schools are $40,00+ a year. I go to one. But there’re always financial aid. I hate it though, so just DONT go to boarding school. Makes me realize how great my parents really are.