A few days ago

Bad Handwriting?

What causes bad handwriting?

I’m 18 year old and a smart young woman. I graduated high school with honors, did well on my ACT, am in college right now, and work as a sales associate part time.

But my handwriting in illegible to most people. Only a few close friends can read my notes, teacher have told me they hate trying to read my papers. Up until 9th grade I got yelled at for having “chicken scratch” everyday. I’ve had to re-do a 3 page handwritten paper because the teacher couldn’t read it.

I can’t help it! If I try to write every word neat it takes about 30 second per word!

What caused this? What’s wrong with me?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
H.E. G

Favorite Answer

You may have a fine motor skill defect of some kind. Or, as often is the case w/very smart kids, you never learned to think at the same pace you write.

So what? Get a laptop. If you’re in college, you should have one anyway. You can read your own class notes, word process all your submitted work, then either print it (the campus library will have a printer if you have no other choice)

or (and I’m guessing the Prof.’s 1st choice) E-mail it.

You’re problem is neither rare nor difficult to manipulate’


A few days ago
i don’t wanna be mean, but i think its laziness. when i take my time i write very nice, and if i don’t its sloppy. i had a boss who had THE WORST handwriting in the world, and i had to do all of his report edits, it was very inconsiderate when i was trying to edit his work. i always had to go back and ask him what certain words were, and he never thought to write nicer.