A few days ago
carlos .

write the value of the underline digit ?

the number is 35,067 and the number five is under line

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Anand S

Favorite Answer

The trick here is to change all the other digits to 0.

Pretend the 3 was underlined. If you changed all the other digits to 0, you’d get 30,000. That means that even though you only have a 3 written there, it really *represents* 30,000. The 3 is in the “ten thousands” place.

If the 6 were underlined and you changed all the digits to 0, you’d have 60, so the 6 really represents 60, and the 6 is in the “tens” place.

You can do the same for your problem.


A few days ago
If the 5 is underlined, it is in the thousands place, therefore, 5,000