A few days ago

Why does queen Elizabeth the 1st have a rat on her shoulder in a portrait?

Why does queen Elizabeth the 1st have a rat on her shoulder in a portrait?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think you are confusing yourself with the famous Hans Holbein portrait of Anne Boleyn where she has a mongoose on her shoulder.

Don’t be hard on yourself – it’s an easy mistake to make.


Right – you’d better get your teacher to be a little more accurate in their descriptions.

I’m assuming that the portrait your teacher is referring to is the one linked below which is known as “The Ermine Portrait” by Nicholas Hilliard (1585) and which can be seen at Hatfield House.

The rat is not a rat – it’s an ermine (a stoat with a white winter coat) and it’s not on her shoulder, it’s on her sleeve. The ermine was the symbol of royalty; and, if you look closely at the animal, you can see the gold crown it wears.