A few days ago

Why does a negative number divided by a negative number equals a positive number?

i just need an example of why and how does it make sense i tried to find the answer on every source i knew about but could`nt find any anwers.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

a number cant go into another number negative times…

u can’t do something negative times…

a -1 fits into a -1 .. one time .. (+)1 time

what do u need to know that for anyway? math rules say a negative cancels out a negative and makes a positive.. so multiplying or dividing an even number of negatives always gives you a positive


A few days ago
Sid B
Sit down clear your mind and think. First think of to identical negative numbers. Since they are both equal one divided by the other equals one. extend that to all negatives divided by negatives. No an easy way to do slightly more complex division with mixed numbers easier. Count the negative sign. If an odd number the answer is negative if even the answer is positive.

5 years ago
thats true if you have -1 divided by -2 the two negative cancel out to give you 1/2

A few days ago
This is because the two negative signs cancel out each other.

A few days ago
dats p
The rules on multiplication of signed numbers say so. Just follow the rules, so you won’t have headache.

A few days ago
Will this help?

-n = -1 x n : -m = -1 x m

So, -n/-m = ( -1 x n) / (-1 x m ) = (-1/-1) x (n/m) = n/m

Incidentally, that is what Sid B suggested above.


A few days ago
e o
sorry to say this a crazy question!!! u should have something better to ask!!!!