A few days ago
1 & only A

Who is Roland’s Wife?

Five couples are on the beach.

Catehrine, Diane, Peggy, Richelle and Maureen

Roland, Daniel, Luciano, Ronald and Denis.

Hints : 1- Luciano’s wife is building a sand castle with Richelle’s husband.

2- Catherine is playing Frisbee with her husband Daniel.

3- Roland and Diane are reading a book.

4- Ronald and Peggy are dinking lemonade.

5- Diane is not Ronald’s wife.

Question: Who is Roland’s wife?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s Peggy, because Maureen is building a sandcastle with Richelle’s husband.

A few days ago
Peggy. The slut is having an affair with Ron and this is her chance to set up a time to meet him at the motel later.