A few days ago
Too CooL

Which equation does NOT correctly represent a relationship between distance, time and speed?

Distance equals speed multiplied by time

speed equals time multiplied by distance

time equals distacne divided by speed

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

With your given, this would be my answer.

Let d = distance

s = speed

t = time

Your first statement is correct.

d = st

Your last statement is also correct.

t = d/s

But your second statement is the wrong one. It must be:

s = d/t


A few days ago
When you get stuck on this, think about a car driving: miles per hour is the rate you are driving, so:

distance divided by time equals rate (or speed)

Then convert it as needed:

d/t=r or d/r=t or r*t=d

Of your choices:

1. OK

2. No

3. OK

I hope that helps because you can do a lot of math and science with this formula.


A few days ago
embroidery fan
We know d=r*t or you say d=s*t

s=d/t and t=d/s

so, it’s the second one