A few days ago

what would be a good subject for a 30-pages project about anything related to United States or U.K?

what would be a good subject for a 30-pages project about anything related to United States or U.K?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Monica Sardonica

Favorite Answer

The controversial role of pediatric vaccines. Too many at once, is this a cause of autism? Autism used to be 1:2500. Now it’s 1:150. What about all of these other, rogue, inexplicable neurological issues in our kids today? ADD, SEVERE food allergies (peanuts! so many kids are DEATHLY allergic to peanuts), SEIZURES, etc…. I would love to do more research on this. The pharmaceutical industry and the government are afraid if a link is found that it would be TRILLIONS of dollars in litigation. This is the reason why people who speak out against the current vaccine schedule are quickly dimissed, or their credibility is destroyed. Interesting topic. Big Pharma has so much to lose; but so do our kids of today.

A few days ago
I did a 30+ page slide show on how US outsources surgical instruments from Pakistan. My focus was on how the companies in Pakistan reach the US companies and what are the channel distribution strategies that connect US companies with their outsourced/contractors in surgical instruments (located in pakistan). If you decide to do this you can find information by googling the following keywords.

SMEDA Pakistan

SIMAP Sialkot, Pakistan

Medical Device Association (USA)