A few days ago

what to do when u have tons of homework due by wenensday and you can’t stay focused…..?

what to do when u have tons of homework due by wenensday and you can’t stay focused…..?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Mark B

Favorite Answer

Set a goal and a treat. “If I get paper one done in one hour then I get some chips” Etc. Also, list the things that need to be done. Sublist under each item the things needed to get those things done. That way you can check off things as you go along.

A few days ago
since it is sunday today i would simply put it off for a later time. I actually prefer to do all of my homework in libraries or labs at school, I find I can focus better and can also receive help or clarity on problems if I have any.

A few days ago
The smell of peppermint can energize and help focus your mind, just smell some peppermint leaves or drink some peppermint tea. also try to reduce sound around you unless it’s white noise (a small fan, water flowing)

A few days ago
Stay away from anything that distracts you and work hard to finish. Keep yourself in a quiet room and work. I hope this helps.