A few days ago

What’s an easier way to remember the equations for Physics??

I have such a hard time in that class! It’s my only C and probably getting lower…

I need some tips on how to remember all the formulas for physics. I have an upcoming test, and I’d really like some of the physics smartones to help me out!

If you’re bad in history, I can help you out! 😀

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

For some formulas I use this thing we call a triangle. I learned it in biology for something, which I cannot remember at the moment.

Put it in a triangle like so. [You’ll have to draw it, its hard to do on the computer].

/ M \


F | A

From this triangle, you know three equations

M = FA

F = M/A

A = M/F

It works lovely, I swear.


5 years ago
Allie, have you not had algebra? What you are asking is how to do algebra. Shame on your school for allowing you to take science/physics without the supporting math as a prerequisite. Anyway, I’m not sure any advice given by Answers will be meaningful as you appear to not have the basics for algebra. But here is is. When there is an equation sign, =, whatever you do to the LHS of = you must also do to the RHS to keep the equation balanced, to keep it equal on both sides. That’s the rule you must follow when rearranging terms and factors. EXAMPLE: By definition efficiency is e = Useful energy out/Total energy in; so to find Useful energy out, we must multiply both sides by Total energy in. In which case we have e*Total energy in = Useful energy out/Total energy in * Total energy in = Useful energy out * Total energy in/Total energy in = Useful energy out * 1 = Useful energy out. And there you are. Useful energy out = e * Total energy in, where e is the efficiency. QED. If you didn’t follow this then I suggest you get together with some aces in your class and have them explain it to you as this is fundamental algebra. And if you can’t do algebra, you’re in for a very long and dreadful term I’m afraid.