A few days ago

What’s a good way to take notes out of a text book?

So that I will remember them and can study from them easily? Are there any techniques that I’m missing here or something?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There’s this thing we use at school called Cornell notes…or C-notes (i know it’s so geeky they even gave it a nickname..)

i can’t really describe the style but the labels on the paper is..but tell u wut. i made sum pics just for u so u can see it…plz look at it cuz i spent sum time makin this ****.


that’s how they look like..


and that’s how they look like filled in


A few days ago
Well, hard to say what you might be missing without knowing what study methods you are using. But since you are asking, I assume you are not getting the results you want or, you want to find out if there are ways that might help you to get better results than you now have.

So, have you tried numerical outlining? If not, you can get a free paper on this method at http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/public/clubextraPDF.html?nclubid=893282700&nid=320268571

Included with the Numerical Outlining paper is another paper on understanding paragraphs.

Both methods, alone or together, can provide you with a quick way to preview a chapter or skim to find salient points especially when you don’t have all the time in the world to read all the chapters you are assigned. Mind you, these are not substitutes for reading. These are rapid pre-view, review methods to help prepare you for class and test reviews.

Both methods help identify key ideas and help you to visualize the interconnectivity of the key ideas/terms.

Another method is to flow chart / diagram key concepts of the text. Educational research shows that the use of text notes and visual diagrams improves retention of the lesson by 60%. No wonder they say a picture is worth a thousand words!

OK, hope this helps you. Best wishes in your studies.


A few days ago
Jacquie W
I use a spiral notebook, and on the left side of the red line on the far left I put the page number. On the right of the red line I put down clips of quotes that jump out at me and then I do a quick one line summary to sum up that page if I had a lot of points that I made.

It’s up to you, some people like to read the section once w/o making any marks or comments in the text or their notebook, then read again and take notes so they can pick up more. You’ll find a good system for you, it just takes trying different ways for a while.


A few days ago
I am a soon to be teacher and I have learned that relating new material to your prior knowledge makes it more memorable. When you take notes, but it in your own words in a way that you will be able to understand it… then think of how this may relate to you or how you could possibly use it in life. I dont know what subject you are trying to learn, so I can’t be more specific. But this is the most effective way to remember things. Type your notes when you are done combining like subjects for better organization.

A few days ago
Ohio Gal Rocks!
Read the headlines.

Write the headlines so you know what section is about. Then go through and pick out the basic information. Look for lists. If you see a list of several items, copy those because you know those are important. If you see a word that is in bold, that is a vocabulary word you need to know. DON’T write everything down. Leave out the irrelevant information. For instance if the section is about the Gettysburg Address, anything about Lincoln’s assassination is irrelevant. You’re focusing on that speech, not his death.


A few days ago
Adding to the last answer, be sure to write down the definitions of any vocabulary words that might be on a test. That way you are sure to look over those.

A few days ago
Pyro Dog
You can fold the page into two parts (or hotdog style :P). Label the left side Main Idea and the other Key facts

Like This:

Main Idea Key facts

One.bla……………………………….One. made in bla

………………………………………..One. looks like bla

…………………………………………One. u eat pie

2. chicken……………………………2. chickens smell good

and so on.

Also, remember to keep the key facts the same number as the main idea, so you can just look at the number and find what your looking for. Good luck!

In simpler terms, label your first main idea 1. and all the key facts 1 to keep them organized. Your next main idea would be 2 and all the related facts would also be 2. Do the same with the other numbers and you might be able to identify them better.

In addition to that, you can start with the main idea as roman numeral one and put it outside the margin. Next, you would put something important, and label that as a. a would go inside the margins at the left-most spot. When you find something relevent to that, you can label it “i”. This goes a little to the right of a., almost liek this:




And so on.


A few days ago

A few days ago
i just don’t take notes….

A few days ago
photo copy and copy from your neighbor