A few days ago

what r the good/bad side effects of the globlizations?

what r the good/bad side effects of the globlizations?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
The Sun

Favorite Answer

There are more bad effects that I can name for a generation to come!! I should know I am the sun!

You Earthlings have no clue is how to take care of my third planet! You argue amongst each other about your space and then have wars and destroy it ANYWAY!! (Purpose defeated) You argue about stupid nonsense all day, complain and worry about the next man instead of your own self.

You are arguing and fussing about colors (black and white) within your own Human kind!! Stop being so damn racial! With this pathetic behaviour you will Void the Earth sooner than I will!


A few days ago
I think it depends on what side of the fence you are on. Some thoughts are…


Improves trade and removes barriers to that trade,

Promotes inter-cultural and international education

Broadens the market for products and services


Disrupts local protected product and job markets

Violates some local cultural and legal restrictions

Sometimes allows spread of international crime

Here are some links to try that I hope will help you: