A few days ago

What kinds of objects represent writing???

This year for English, I have a teacher that our class hasn’t ever had before. In the beginning, she’s trying to do some projects to get to know us, and she assigned one where we have to bring three objects that describe us, or things that we like. One thing that I LOVE is writing, and I want something to represent that. I thought of a pen or pencil, but it’s too common and not creative. It has to be something that fits is a regular-sized bag. I also thought of bringing in my favorite book, which is The Catcher in the Rye, and saying that it represents my love for that book and my love for [great] writing. You think I could pull that off? Do you have anything else that could signify writing? That’s creative?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you could find a quill and ink well, that would be your pen or pencil idea, but with more character.

A few days ago
I am not sure but here are a few ideas i came up with.Feel free to use any of them or combine them.

1.SInce you mentioned Catcher in The Rye, how about bringing a baseball glove(isn’t that what you call the thing you catch a ball with?…lol forgot the name.)But anyway get that and on the inside attach a mini notepad on the inside to represent your love for writing as well.And then attack a pencil to it as well.

2.Take a styrofoam cup.On the bottom of the cup paste a picture of a pen or pencil, on the opening side cover that with a picture of a book.Then you can say that these are two things that you love.And when the teacher say you were suppose to have three items.Then that’s your cue to say.’ I have three.The cup represent my thirst.My love and passion for reading and writing quenches my thirst.” Or you can just say that without waiting for the teacher to mention your third item.


A few days ago
You might be able to find an old looking bottle of India ink and a calligraphy pen that looks like an old fashioned nibbed pen in an art store. That would represent writing.

The principal tools for a calligrapher are the pen, which may be flat- or round-nibbed and the brush


A few days ago
Would it be possible to round up a type writer anywhere? I know that most kids under the age of 18 have never even seen one!!