A few days ago

What is the most interesting time period or event in world history before year 1400.?

I have to write a world history paper. The topic has to be in question form like “how did something effect something else in history?” I need some ideas of very interesting topics. The time must be before 1400 and I need to be able to find plenty of information about it. Thanks so much for youe help!

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The Roman Empire and its effects on mesopotamia

Alexander the Great and his Conquest

Attila the Hun and the Roman Empire

Elizabeth Bathory?

Marco Polo

The reign of the Pharaoh Hatshepsut.

The middle ages.


A few days ago
Larry R
How did Charles Martel’s victory at the Battle of Tours effect European History?






Bottom line, after Mohammed died the Moslem Armies swarmed out of Arabia like hornets. The Byzantie Empire (what was left of the Eastern Roman Empire) had just finished a very bloody and expensive series of wars with Perisa (aka Iran). The Byzantines were too weak to stop the Moslems, and they lost territory to them…LOTS of territory. The Moslems started by conquering Syria, then Palestine, (modern Jordan and Israel) . Then the Moslem armies split up… one branch went east and conquered Iraq and Iran and made it all the way to India. The other branch went West, they grabbed Egypt, then all of North Africa, crossed into Europe and conquered Spain and Portugal.

Finally they crossed over the mountians into France. The only thing that stopped them was Charles Martel. He won the battle of Tours in 732, and pushed the Moslems back into Spain. (The Christians didn’t finally retake all of Spain till 1492.)

Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lybia, Algeria, Tunisia were all Christian countires when the Moslems came… had been Christian for over 300 years. As you can see, they aren’t Christian countries anymore.

The only reason Christianity survived at all, was Charles Martel. If he had lost the Moslems would have kept going, into France, Itlay, Germany, Denmark…. who knows where, or if, they would have been stopped. If he hadn’t pulled it off, Paris and Berlin and Rome would be Arab cities just like Damascus, Alexandria, Cairo, Tripoli, and Gaza.


A few days ago
Experto Credo
How far before 1400 can you go?

certainly the Greeks and the persians come to mind (but that’s 480 BC)


A few days ago
200 B.C. to 200 A.D., the rise and the fall of the Roman Empire left lasting sociological,technological, and demographic changes as never beforwe seen in Society prior to the Industrial Revoloution.

A few days ago
i think you should go back to around 4000 BC when all the really ancient civilizations were present – egypt, mohenjo-daro (Indus valley), chinese

since they were pretty significant civilizations for so early a time, im sure they had effects on later civilizations – maybe early forms of religions, planned cities, astronomy/mathematical discoveries…

do some research 🙂


A few days ago
The life and death of Jesus.

A wealth of information is found in the Bible, in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

In fact Jesus birth was so important that our calender is set to that.


A few days ago
Try: “In the begining god created Heaven & Earth… and it happened before 1400 BC.

A few days ago
Most scientists agree that February 7th, 1396 was hands down the most interesting day ever.

A few days ago
Crusades would be a good bet. Lots of Info, but you could limit it rather easily.