A few days ago

What is sound?

How do we produce sound?

How do we hear sound?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

when the vocal chords work they produce sound. This sound travels in the form of waves to your ears and thats how you hear sound!!

A few days ago
Sound is the atmospheric oscillation of pressure waves at certain frequencies and wavelengths, which can be produced by many things, always requiring energy and physical interaction between 2 or more objects. We hear sound through our ear components, which pick up atmospheric vibrations and turn them into nerve signals, which our brains processes into what we perceive as sound.

A few days ago
Sound is the vibration of air molecules. It radiates in waves from the point of origin.

When these waves reach our ears, they cause the tiny bones in them to vibrate a certain way. The attached nerves send signals to the brain which interprets what the sound is.


A few days ago
Sound is a form of energy. Like all other forms of energy like light and heat, sound also has some basic properties, like- it has the virtue of exciting the material particles along which it propogates, it can be converted into other forms of energy and it can be converted into useful work.

Sound is a mechanical wave.

To understand the concept of mechanical wave lets take an example-

when we throw a stone in still water of a pond, we see that a disturbance is produced at a place where the stone strikes the water.This disturbance advances outwards in the same form and reaches the edges of the pond.

Thus, a mechanical wave is a disturbance produced in a material medium and advancing with a definite speed in the medium without changing its form. thus, the mechanical wave transmits energy and momentum throgh the limited motion of the particles of the material medium while the medium remains unshifted.

Coming back to sound waves, u cannot see them travelling but you can feel them.if the medium particles oscillate perpendicular to the wave , that mechanical wave is called a transverse wave . sound travels as a transverse wave in solids and surfaces of liquids.

if the medium particles oscillate parallel to the wave it is called a longitudinal wave. sound travels as a longitudinal wave in gases and inside liquids.

now answering ur question, let us suppose a table. if i hit the table the mechanical energy of my hand is transferred to the molecules of the table in the form of heat and sound.sound waves produced travel as transverse waves in the table (and the table molecules oscillate one by one along the direction of propogation of wave) and as longitudinal wave in air( such that air molecules oscillate one by one parallel to the wave ). now there are two friends A and B. A has his held in air. A hears sound as the sound waves reach the ear drum through the air molecules . similarly, B hears sound as the sound waves reach the ear drum of B via the table.

the air molecule that are in contact with the ear drum oscillate


A few days ago
Sound is the vibration of air molecules. It radiates in waves from the point of origin.

When these waves reach our ears, they cause the tiny bones in them to vibrate a certain way. The attached nerves send signals to the brain which interprets what the sound is.

Good luck:)


A few days ago
Twilight Elk
Sound is just vibrations in the air that just happen to make a certain pitch when hit properly or if modified.