A few days ago

what is imperialism?

i’ve looked it up but i can’t seem to find a clear definition for it.

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A few days ago

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Basically, the desire for an Empire; the desire to expand territorially and economically in such a way that you (the nation) control teritory and resources. Many scholars view imperialism as not simply a formal Empire (such as the British or Roman Empires) but the movement towards global contrl over resources in such a way that the powerful nation, the hegemon or world power, reaps gains at the cost of the less powerful nation. Thus if you use this second definition, you can view post-1945 Soviet communism as imperialistic, even though the Soviet Union did not formally have an empire outside its borders; likewise, many Liberal scholars argue America today has imperialistic desires because it controls the resources of many lessppowerful nations, and that it uses those resources to increase its political and ecnomic influence.

So you can view as imperialism as:

1. The movement towards a true, formal empire, such as the British or Roman Empires. That is, you will know it when you see it, because this is a nation which has many colonies andclient states.

2. A powerful hegemon such as the United States or Soviet Union which, although lacking a formal Empire and colonies, has so much influence that it basically gets anything it wants, regardlless of whether or not it is at the disadvantage of the weaker power.


A few days ago
Imperialism is the forceful extension of a nation’s authority by territorial gain or, some modern theorists argue, by the establishment of economic and/or political dominance over other nations that nevertheless are not colonies.

It means:

Desire to build an Empire, by any means.

It has nothing to do with an emperor, just an empire. It is less a form of government, and more a political strategic ideology.


A few days ago
I Love Jesus
Imperialism is the forceful extension of a nation’s authority by territorial gain or, some modern theorists argue, by the establishment of economic and/or political dominance over other nations that nevertheless are not colonies.

Back when there was a lot of unsettled land, like the USA and Africa etc. big countries like Great Britian would come in and say we are powerful, now we are in charge. I think in modern day it would be like we reached the moon first so it belongs to us.


A few days ago
When a nation is motivated towards dominating other nations and forcing their way of life onto them. For example the British Empire taking control over India. Many people suggest America of being imperialistic in its efforts in Iraq but I have no opinion on the matter that needs to be expressed here.

A few days ago
Its the concept of one country controlling another, for the occupying country’s benefit. Under English imperialism the countries in the empire sent raw materials to England where they were processed into finished products, then sold back in the countries of the empire. It worked OK for a couple of centuries, but people do not like to be occupied or controlled by foreign powers. Its the same idea you see unfolding now with the US occupying Iraq in order to take their oil. They aren’t going to stand for it…or take it lying down, either. We wouldn’t. Why should they?

A few days ago
The invasion of Iraq, whether you agree with it or not, is imperialism.

It just means supplanting the local government either directly with a governor or inderictly by supporting or propping up a government that will do as it is asked to — support and enact laws, policies and trade deals that favor the big country which really controlls the small country.


A few days ago
Imperialism is the forceful extension of a nation’s authority by territorial gain or, some modern theorists argue, by the establishment of economic and/or political dominance over other nations that nevertheless are not colonies.

A few days ago
Imperialism is the power or character of an emperor; imperial authority; the spirit of empire.

A few days ago
i know what imperialism is, but had to look it up to see what you meant about an unclear definition, and was stumped:

“the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas; broadly : the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence”

what is confusing about that?


A few days ago
Imperialism is the act a country makes in an attempt to spread their control all over the globe. They do this by colonizing and taking over foreign countries and islands.