A few days ago

What is Human Geography?

I was assigned a project for History class on the spanish region of Castilla and Leon. The first part is to describe the Human Geography of the area but I can’t find a place that tells me specifically about it. After describing the Human Geography I have to describe the economic geography and explain about the area’s natural resources, industries and services. I am very confused between these two topics since I don’t understand the concept of human geography very well.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Fission Chips

Favorite Answer

Human Geography combines economic and cultural geography to explore the relationships between humans and their natural environment, and to track the broad social patterns that shape human societies.

A few days ago
Human geography is how the earths surface and landforms affects social organizations and the environment. Human geography is the study of the relationship between humans and their environment (or landscape). The environment is, however, much more complex than the natural environment you usually think about; other types of environments include the cultural, social, economic, political and built environments

Economic geography is as you stated is much easier to define. It is how geography affects how man makes a living.


A few days ago
sandy m
Human geography, is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with the environment ( according to Wikipedia- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_geography)

So you’ll want to talk about the culture, politics, land development, economics, etc.

Hope that helps


A few days ago
ok Human Geography is Cities,towns,man made rivers/lake, and how ever humans changed the earth in any way

A few days ago
i dunno ask my mom