A few days ago

what is architecture?

i was told to write a short essay

on what i think architecture is…..

but i cant really define it..

help plz

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Architecture is designing and forming the built environment that we all live in. Whether it’s designing new buildings, refurbishing existing ones or planning urban areas and the landscapes they occupy, the skills of the architect are needed!

Architecture is supported by a range of subject areas and involves aspects of:

sculpture and design;


ecology and conservation.

It also has to take into account any social problems and the impact buildings will have on local people. .


A few days ago
Indiana Frenchman
from one of the greatest …

What is architecture anyway? Is it the vast collection of the various buildings which have been built to please the varying taste of the various lords of mankind? I think not.

“No, I know that architecture is life; or at least it is life itself taking form and therefore it is the truest record of life as it was lived in the world yesterday, as it is lived today or ever will be lived. So architecture I know to be a Great Spirit….

“Architecture is that great living creative spirit which from generation to generation, from age to age, proceeds, persists, creates, according to the nature of man, and his circumstances as they change. That is really architecture.”

—Frank Lloyd Wright, from In the Realm of Ideas, edited by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer and Gerald Nordland

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A few days ago
Alyssa S
it is the physical compostion (make-up) and design of a building or structure