A few days ago

what does Dickens make of setting in great expectations?

hi, i need help. i was seriously ill at the end of last term and therefore did not know that we were set to read great expectations over the summer. i have now been set the essay and have fallen behind my class terribly. it is due in only 1 weeks time and i don’t no what to do . please help me as much as you can

1 the marshes(explain what takes place here and when – do this for each setting you discuss)

focus on the descriptions we analysed in chapter 1

discuss how dickens uses language and style to create a vivid atmosphere. you must analyse how quotes work in detail

how the setting helps the reader to appreciate pip’s circumstances and feelings

2 statis house

key passages for analysis

the first impression of the outside of the house

pip’s first visit – the description of miss havisham (use of contrast horror imagery of death, white etc

the second visit and the cake (note the symbolism here, personification etc

the “vision” pip has after his second visit could also be mentioned p53

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
don’t plagiarize

Favorite Answer

answer #3 from same basic question

you need to get a copy of cliff notes or master plots really fast


5 years ago
Mid 19th century Britain, following the Industrial Revolution.

A few days ago
Ask this question.

How does Abel Magwich escape from a prison hulk (moored offshore), with a ‘great iron’ on his leg? Surely he would sink and drown?

Try to work that in somewhere, i once got a marginal essay passed on that point, for being a ‘pedantic git’ – my tutors words!


A few days ago
Your best approach would be to read the book as soon as you can or get some study notes on it from a good bookshop.

A few days ago