A few days ago

what does cyclical unemployment occur?how can we eliminate it?why does structural unemployment occur?

whay does frictional unemployment occur and what can we do to reduce it?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

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To answer these questions, you must first understand what is meant by the terms cyclical unemployment and structural unemployment. Needless to say, you should be able to find the definitions in your economics textbook, but I will explain it to you anyway.

1.Cyclical Unemployment = Unemployment that rises during economic downturns, and falls when the economy imporves.

Answer: Economists have observed that over time, the U.S. economy goes through periods of increased economic activity, ultimately peaking, and then declining economic activity, then, a lull for a period of time. This is considered one “economic business cycle,” After one complete cycle, another one begins…and on and on…etc.

When the economy is declining, companies tend to reduce their work force and let people go. When the economy is improving, companies tend to increase production and often attempt to hire more people. In order to eliminate cyclical unemployment, you would have to eliminate business cycles (which is not possible under the mixed market economy that the U.S. currently has).

2. Structural Unemployment = unemployment that occurs when workers skills do not match the jobs that are available.

Example: If a person with a specific skill seeks employment in the local job market in his home town, but no companies need to hire people with that particular job skill, the person seeking the job could be classified as someone who is currently unemployed due to structural unemployment.


5 years ago
Republicans can not answer that, this is a BASIC economics question. Cyclical Structural unemployment is a result of a ebb and flow of unemployment in any basic economy. This happens as things change over the course of time in a way that could be described like a sine wave in electronics…. It just happens, just like the tide. The times and years are not always equal though, and the dips and rises can change based on the previous action. Frictional unemployment is more of a human based thing. It is when the forces or powers that be wreak havoc on the economy and cause added STRESSORS on it, thus people do not hire because it is like FRICTION, causing an opposite effect in the economy. Hope you think this is right. This is what I got out of these things in college. At least it was a though provoking question, you can not possibly get a republican answer. I am a democrat