A few days ago

what are the phrases used for summarizing?

i badly need your help guys. i wanna know what are the phrases used for summarizing. we need it in our english class because i am about to summarize a novel. hope you guys can help me.

links are acceptable. thanks.. 🙂

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you summarize something you give an overview of the story, rather than going into details.

For example, if I were to summarize a Harry Potter story, I might say that it is a story about a young wizzard called Harry, whose parents were killed by the evil Lord Voldemort, and who undergoes many exciting adventures along with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Grainger. They attend Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

You might add a few more details about the specific adventures, but there aren’t really any particular phrases you would use to show that it is a summary.

Hope that helps


A few days ago
Groggy G
phrases? try

in summary

in short

to sum it all up

in a nutshell