A few days ago

vector components?

Vector A has a magnitude of 7.00 units and makes an angle of 40.0° counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis. Vector B has a magnitude of 8.00 units and is directed along the negative x-axis.

(a) Using graphical methods, find the vector sum A + B.

Magnitude of A + B:


Direction of A + B:

___________° counterclockwise from +x-axis

(b) Using graphical methods, find the vector difference A – B.

Magnitude of A – B:


Direction of A – B:

_________° counterclockwise from +x-axis

For the magnitude I got 5.167 and it came up as the right answer. However I am having trouble calculating the direction……can someone please help?? also how do you subtract vector components; how is it different from adding them? Thank you!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

They’re asking you to do it graphically, hon. That means they want you to take a piece of graph paper, draw the vectors out, and measure the resultant. You’ll get the direction with a protractor. Truthfully, I’m a little surprised at an answer like “5.167”, as that seems a bit too precise for graphical methods.

As for subtracting vectors, it’s the same as adding them except you reverse the direction of the vector being subtracted. By definition.

A – B = A + (-B)

and -B is the vector with the same magnitude as B but a direction 180 degrees away. In your case, since B is 8 units along the negative x-axis, -B will be 8 units along the positive x-axis.