A few days ago

unit conversions?

convert to desired unit:

a)908 oz –> kilograms

b)12.8 L –> gallons

c)125 mL –> quarts

d)2.89 gal –> milliliters

e)4.48 lb –> grams

f)550 mL –> quarts

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Mark S

Favorite Answer

Here is a good online conversion tool.



A few days ago
Look up conversion charts online somewhere for the rest, this will help you in the general setup

a) 908 oz in kg

find that 16 oz = 1 pound and that 2.2 pounds = 1 kg

take 16/pounds x 2.2 pounds/1 = 1 kg

(16oz)(2.2pounds)/pounds = 1kg

16oz x 2.2 = 1kg

35.2 oz = 1 kg