A few days ago

Tips for writing an autobiographical sketch?

I have to write a 2-3 page autobiographical sketch for class, but what should I include in it and what should I leave out? How personal should I get? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you for your help!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You need to include the most basic facts like when & where you were born, maybe what your family is into … check out my profile for example.

Then consider stuff that is true but unusual, that makes you really different.

For example, about myself … I once fell asleep in gym class.

There was some limitation on the equipment being used (a real heavy ball we tossed around) so when waiting our turn, some of us sat on the grass … the sun was warm, I was tired, I fell asleep … the other kids in my class pointed at me, made shushing to each other, lots of smiles, cover mouth (I found out about this later) so at end of gym class … it was tippy toe away so as not to wake me … I woke up to see some boys standing over me, who I did not recognize as being in my class, I asked question what they doing … I looked in direction of gymnasium & “Oh ****” I saw parade of guys coming from gymnasium to athletic field & I knew what had happened.

Well I tore out of there to the gymnasium as fas as I could, so I could get changed out of gym clothes & get to my next class & I was part way there, when I realized I needed to go to the office & get an excuse slip for being tardy (you get a certain # of excused before in trouble)

Unknown to me until later … my gym class fellow students had speread the word all over the school between classes, so in each class that had a window appropriately placed, one student says at start of class in a loud voice “Where is Macintyre?” … another student says in a loud voice “He fell asleep in gym class … you can see him on the athletic field” and the whole class looks out the window, including the teacher, then when I wake up, there are remarks about “We never knew he could be a track star when motivated.”

I was very embarrassed at the time, but look back on this now as a hilarious story. You should find similar stories about yourself and your life that show you are a different unique and interesting person, in which it is fun to read the sketch, people talk about this, suggest other people read it.


5 years ago
Write your autobio without restrictions. Then, take out references to your name, place of residence, etc. Then edit it to make it smoother. Example: I, Melanie, want to write a novel set in my beloved neighborhood of Corona, Queens, NY. Revision: I want to write a novel set in my neighborhood that I love, a working-class, multiethnic neighborhood. Even better revision: I want to write a novel set in my beloved working-class, multiethnic neighborhood. Get the idea? Good luck and God bless!