A few days ago
Fisher K

Survey on heaven vs. hell?

Please answer honestly… Do you believe in hell? And why? do you believe in heaven? And why? What religion are you or not? Do you believe in God? What does hell mean to you? This is for a paper I am writing so please answer to the best of your ability. Thanks!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness, now I am non-practicing, and really don’t care enough to figure out what I do and don’t believe, let alone what religion I am. I believe that there is a thin and fragile line between good and evil, and don’t really have a preference as to whether Heaven or Hell even exist.

I personally think religion is a crock, and that I don’t owe my life to serve anyone or anything. As far as I’m concerned, what I do is what I do, and where I go or what happens because of it is my buisness, not anyone else’s.

Anyways, from what I remember as a child, Jehovah’s Witnesses believed in Heaven, but not so much hell. They basically believed that if you serve Jehovah God and do what he asks, you will live in paradise on earth and have everlasting life. If not, you will be destroyed.

I personally felt that with the “rules” (not celebrating birthdays or holidays, only being allowed to marry within the “truth”, having to constantly go to the Kingdom Hall, have bible studies 3 times a week inside and outside the Kingdom Hall…etc.) that it felt as if I was in a cult of a bunch of brainwashed people. Therefore, in my teens, I refused to have religion be a part of my life.


A few days ago
George G
heaven and hell are both as real as this message. Everything has a soul as it is what drives our intellect into what we are thinking. Unfortunate for some , their souls are corrupt as suicide bombing is not a way to show love towards your fellow man. My religion is Christian but not of any denomination and most certainly not Catholic as Why should I tell the saints or the Pope my sorryness when God thru prayer is sufficient.

What will Heaven be like? I believe it will be set for our likes of this life. If you rock and roll it will be a concert every day. If you like cooking , you will be around all kinds of food. And contrary to the song , in Heaven there is beer and wine and other spirits.

hell on the other hand will be just as the Bible depicts it… a burning, place where all your desires will be there but untouchable as they will burn you !! and you will always have the desire yto want them despite the fact you will never get them