A few days ago

Speech help?!?

I’m considering being the Treasurer of my school’s Student’s Council.

I’m really good at math, but I dont want to say that in my speech…

Any pointers on what I should say?!


Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

look if u really wana be treasurer of ur school u should say what u feel. you shouldn’t be askin no one else to do your speech, cuz if they do u aint fulfilling ur duties, u wana be the treasuer not us, so say what u feel

A few days ago
Greg R (2015 still jammin’)
I will say that I like Groggy’s answer best so far. Math skills are crucial in a treasurer position.

It’s not enough to be able to run a calculator, you need to understand HOW to balance a checkbook to make sure the money your fellow students place in your trust isn’t shortchanged by the bank.

Also, you need to understand the costs and benefits of various types of investments so you can get the best return on your money. After all, more interest means more money means better prom/dance, student field trip, etc.

If there have been issues with dishonesty with past treasurers, I would definitely emphasize your personal honesty and also suggest a “checks and balance” system you would ask to be instituted if elected which would allow at least one other person to oversee your work.

Good luck…


A few days ago
why don’t you want to say that your really good at math?…if you are trying to get elected for something you should mention your strong points…also that would be a plus sense being a treasurer deals with math :]

A few days ago
okay here’s a speech

“i have a dreem” lol sorry serously here

i’m runing to be whatever i’m very trustworthy and i will get the job done i’m honest and i will be the best i can be

i think i would be a good treasuer becaues well lok at me don’t i look like someone who you can trust and i’m excelent at math and i think i will be perfect at the job although no one is perfect i will be very close to perfect so vote whoever(your name.)

hope this helps bye.


A few days ago
Groggy G
i bet enron’s jeff skilling was good in math & look what happened. he stole people’s money. for a post like treasurer i’d go for an HONEST guy any day.

but tell them you’re good in math anyway. that you’re someone who can account for each dollar, where it came from and where it went.