A few days ago
SimplyAle ๐Ÿ™‚

Should kids get homework on Fridays?

Hi. I am doing a persuasive speech about how kids should not get homework on Fridays. Just wondering if you all agree, since I do need feedback for the speech.

Thank you all.


Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

let me guess…you’re a kid? give them homework EVERY day. i had to do it, so should you.

A few days ago
As a future teacher, this question is something I must think about.

I believe that some type of “brain exercise” or “critical thinking” prompt should be introduced at the end of the day on Friday. Something that will really get kids thinking—not about Math or Science but something about LIFE (current events, ect). Encourage students to THINK over the weekend, not necessarily with an assignment but with a CHALLENGE.

Or: read a story at the end of the day… stop at the most exciting part. Kids will come into school Monday excited to LEARN what happens.


A few days ago
well it depends on what the student is currently studying that week, how much homework they’ve had so far, and the overall behaviour of the class.

If it is more than a 2 day weekend, absolutely have some homework

absolutely no homework/projects over vacations (christmas/new years, easter, etc.)

overall i think they should get homework over the weekend because all it does it help you. It helps engrain into your head the lecture, which a weekend of video games/family outings/parties will destroy.

I understand it is hard to find a controversial subject that have valid points on both sides (kudos to you for coming up with this one), but your topic will actually prove that students DO need homework over the weekend.

P.S. I actually ask all 7 of my teachers to give me homework over the weekend if there isnt any allready assigned.


A few days ago
I think they should be given things to read over the weekend so their minds stay alert.

But I don’t think they should have to write papers or anything on the weekends. Kids need a break – if they don’t get one they get burned out or stressed and that can lead to physical problems.

I love the idea of tests on Mondays instead of Fridays. That way they have one thing to focus on for the weekend instead of trying to study during the week with all the other work they have.


A few days ago
They should get it on Friday unless the next week is vacation. Homework over vacation shows that the teacher assigning it does not know the meaning of the word vacation.

A few days ago
No, I do not think that kids should have homework on Fridays because of the weekend and they might forget that they had it. So in my opinion, Fridays should be a make-up day so when it is Monday everyone is all caught up…

does that help?…..


A few days ago
I normally assign homework at least every other Friday and I am also a teacher that assigns homework over breaks/vacations. These assignments are usually much more intensive or reworking assignments already completed (like revising an essay). That’s why they call it homework people–not homefun!

A few days ago
It is upon the school and teachers that they are giving homework to children

A few days ago
i say no !kids should not get homework on fridays

A few days ago
yes and no kids should hve something to ocupy their time but it sucks!!!!!!!!!! it uses up most of the weekend!!!!!!! but it helps make u responsible ๐Ÿ˜‰ good luck with ur speech !