A few days ago

SCHOOL PROBLEM!!!HELP!!I really need help?

SCHOOLL PROBLEM!!!HELP!!I really need help?

I go to an advacned school and I’m so overwhelmed! I get so overwheled I start to cry. I don’t know how I can tell my mom I want to go back to my regular school!

My school doesn’t have a guidence counselor. And I do try my hardest and work my but off but I’m getting like 4 hours of sleep and never have anytime. I’m not even in any extracurricular activities. And my mom thinks it’s such a great thing. I want to go to regular school!! My teachers put so much pressure on us because we are smart. I had to leave my elemantry school to go to this one, I want to go to 6th grade at my old school then go back,maybe, for juinor high, then to regular high school because we don’t have higher grades than 9th.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Aww, you poor thing! I know how you feel…I’m taking some AP classes (junior year) right now and I seriously can’t remember the last time I went to sleep before midnight 🙁 I think that you should go back to regular school though. Seriously, having a life outside of school is in my opinion way more important than taking the most rigorous schedule… If I were you I would just tell my mom that even though the advanced school might look good academically, it isn’t the best thing for me right now because of all the stress it is causing…

Remember to always put yourself first 🙂 Good luck.


A few days ago
unknown friend
Sit down and tell your mom how you feel, the fact that you have so much homework and 9 classes per day won’t convince her because that is what it was like when she went to school.

When I was young I started school at 8:15 and was there until 4:30pm and had 8 classes per day then did homework and housework till 10:00pm. when I had to go to bed.

I had to find the time to do all of the housework in between because I didn’t have a mom at home to do it and it was part of my daily routine. I was not allowed to date or go out on weekends, I had to do homework and housework, and didn’t have time to date or go out with friends.

So if your mom’s life was anything like mine then she won’t understand why you think you have too much school work, it’s what she did too.

You will have to approach her with the stress level your under and the fact that your not getting enough sleep which is causing you to struggle in your advanced class. That, she will understand and probably help you out with.

Good Luck!


A few days ago
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i feel the same way and im in advanced classes too. manage your time better. do you really need so long to do your homework? try to do some homework during lunch or a free period if you have one. and also do your homework for 45 minutes and take a 15 minute break so you wont be over whelmed. and then you should be done around 7 or 8 if you dont fool around. listen to music if it doesnt distract you to calm down. and relax. school should be enjoyable not stressing. dont go back to regular because it may be hard to get back into advanced. good luck

A few days ago
i feel the same! i mean, im not in advanced school…but…

okay! right when you get home spread out ur homework. tackle all stuff due tomorrow. do half of it. take a shower. do the other half while ur hair is wrapped up in a towel. have a QUICK snack while doing homework. careful not to get food on paper. when u have completed all homework due the next day get a jumpstart on stuff due in like two days or a week!!

BE sure to keep an agenda with homework in it. stay organized. i really hope everything turns out better!


A few days ago
The extra work you’re putting in seems hard at first and if you stick with it, will pay off later. Right now you’re developing the discipline and work ethic required to achieve in the competitive workforce. If you keep with this program you’ll find college a breeze while your classmates will struggle with the workload. You may eve get your degree a year early.

A few days ago
That is way too much homework for a kid your age. You need to speak to a teacher and let them know how overwhelmed you are.

Go to your doctor and explain to them what is happening before you start physically getting sick from so much stress. This is NO good for you. You dont have to prove your some genius. Be a kid, you dont get another chance to do that…. EVER. Talk to your mom, then talk to her again, and then do it again. She is your only way out.