A few days ago

President Lincoln?

President Lincoln said the nation could not “endure permanently half slave and half free” Do you agree that slavery was too important an issue to allow differences among the states?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A nation divided cannot stand.

Addition: The issue of slavery was actually not an issue. Slavery in the South was slowly dying out and many slave-owners had vowed to free their slaves upon the owner’s death. In fact, many Southerners didn’t even own slaves by the time the Civil War began.


A few days ago
Lincoln used the slaves to try to bring a revolt in the South to win his war. The civil war was not about slavery but about power and politics between north and south factions. The entire country had slavery but the south depended on it for it’s industries. The north had nothing to lose by freeing slaves and used it.