A few days ago

PLLLZZZZ HELP ME WID MY HOMEWORK SCIENCE plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

What is the order which this takes place in …

Hand Drops Hot plate

Brain Sends messages via nerves to hand muscle

Hand picks up hot plate

Hand muscles contract

Nerves in the skin send message to brain

Skin senses heat

Which 3 organ systems were used to drop the plate

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Hand picks up hot plate

Skin senses heat

Nerves in the skin send message to brain

Brain Sends messages via nerves to hand muscle

Hand muscles contract

Hand Drops Hot plate

Nervous System

Integumentary System

Musculoskeletal System


A few days ago
Hand picks up hot plate

Skin senses heat

Nerves in the skin send message to brain

Brain Sends messages via nerves to hand muscle

Hand Drops Hot plate

Hand muscles contract


A few days ago
1. skin senses heat

2. nerves in skin send message to brain

3. Brain sends message via nerves to hand muscle

4. hand drops hot plate

5.hand muscles contract

6.hand picks up hot plate

Brain, Sensory, Nervous system


A few days ago
first brain gives order to hand

2. hand obeys it

3. the nerves in fingers feel the heat of hot plate

4.nerve send message……….

SIMPLE ISNT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A few days ago
I cannot improve on the second contributors answer. You should give her some points as she just did your homework assignment for you.