A few days ago

please revise and edit this paragraph?

Then, how much more does he care for our bodies? For instance, your hand creates a golden section in relation to your arm, as the ratio of your forearm to your hand is 1.618, the Divine Proportion. Also, the human face abounds with examples of the Golden Section or Divine Proportion. Atheists cannot possibly deny that “the Golden Section” is created by someone . Everyone should think about how we get the Golden Section. It must be God’s work somehow. Moreover, if the evolution theory were true, there would be many questions towards our body. For example, our body cells are complex and we cannot take out a small piece of DNA. According to the All about Creation, the human genome has so much information that it would fill libraries if written in books. We can look at our bodies to figure out there is some kind of designer who creates us with distinct structures to one another. As you closely examine the nature and your own bodies, you will eventually find that God is the one who creates

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
shaa s

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A few days ago
im on it

Then, how much more does he care for our bodies? For instance, your hand creates a golden section in relation to your arm, as the ratio of your forearm to your hand is 1.618, the Divine Proportion. Also, the human face abounds* with examples of the Golden Section or Divine Proportion.(*the human face is abound with) Atheists cannot possibly deny that “the Golden Section” is created by someone . Everyone should think about how we get the Golden Section.(revise to, “everyone should pause to consider how the golden section came to be) It must be God’s work somehow (revise to: surely god must have had some hand in this). Moreover, if the evolution theory* were true, there would be many questions towards our body.(revise to: if *the theory of evolution were true there would be many more questions about our body) For example, our *body cells are complex and we cannot take out a small piece of DNA.(omit *body, “we cannot take out a small piece of our DNA” this is slightly ambiguous, rephrase) According to the All about Creation, the human genome has so much information that it would fill libraries if written in books.(revise to: According to the “All About Creation”, the human genome has so much information that if it were written in books it would fill several libraries) We can look at our bodies to figure out there is some kind of designer who creates us with distinct structures to one another.(rephrase to: We can look at our bodies and use inductive reasoning to deduce that some supreme designer created us with distinct structures to one another) As you closely examine the nature and your own *bodies, you will eventually find that God is the one who creates. (*bodies, shouldn’t be plural. Revise sentence to, you must eventually make the connection that god is the one who created us.)


A few days ago
Paulie D
When referring to God, Him and He should be in caps.

“There would be many questions about the human body.”

“We can look at our bodies to see there is a Designer who created us.”

“As you closely examine nature..”

I would suggest that you either elaborate on, or eliminate altogether the passages on the “Divine Proportion” or the “Golden Section”.


A few days ago
You are asking something quite unfair. This is evidently a paragraph regarding someones religious writings. If from an established book then it cannot be edited or revised as it states just what the writer intends it to. If it is your own (which I doubt) then you must first say so and what religions it pertains to. Any one with a lick of sense about someones faith knows better than to change what has been written.