A few days ago

Please, I need ideas and please, serious answer?

I have a PTA reflection contest at school and my theme is I can make a difference by….. I need some ideas!!!!!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I can make a difference by..practicing random acts of kindness each day.

I can make a difference by..volunteering in my community and serve others.

I can make a difference by..caring for the less fortunate and elderly by working at a soup kitchen or nursing home.

I can make a difference by..sharing God’s word throughout my community to those who may not know Jesus.

I can make a difference by..showing a smile to everyone I meet.

I can make a difference by..setting examples for those younger than I, so that I may help prevent tough consequences for teens today.

good luck 🙂 those are just some rough ideas..


A few days ago
lisa w
Reading to an illiterate or blind person

mentoring a child

Bringing meals to an elderly/invalid person

Befriending the new kid at school

Donating clothes to a women’s or homeless shelter


Those things all make a difference on an individual basis. Now, how you incorporate that is up to you. An idea might be to video tape the things you are doing, beginning with a small monologue on how you feel when you start, and ending with the difference in your life and otehr people’s lives.


A few days ago
Well, since I am not sure what your school is like, I have to give you a generic answer. Think about what are the major problems in your school….and then approach it from the aspect of what you can do personally to help fix these problems. For example, at my school, our biggest issue is gang violence. One of the students may propose that they might choose to make a difference by volunteering to go to middle or elem. schools to talk to students about the dangers of joining a gang and then providing them with alternative activities–maybe even helping organize some of those activities.

Just choose something that you will enjoy actually doing, your excitement will come across in your writing! Good luck.


A few days ago
i can make a difference by,, what are your hobbies? like for me i would do i can make a difference by helping others. i tutor younger kids but i also volunteer at an animal shelter, just think about what you like to do and how that could be helping someone else

A few days ago
i had that too last year!

I can make a difference by….

helping poor people

sending money to hospital

not to use a car

pick up garbage at the streets

helping wild animals

being a good student

and most importantly…

helping our planet.

good luck kid!


A few days ago
be nice in all i do

helping out by clean up even if it not your mess

being nice to mean people