A few days ago

please help what is the errors in this?


Managing telecommunications properly in the Information Age is essentials. The larger the organization, the more likely you will find telecommunications professionals—individuals who have earned collage degrees or completed in-service program with an emphases in some aspect of telecommunication. Finding voice, data, and video telecommunications services managed separately is not common.

In smaller organizations, telecommunications becomes one of many responsibilities attached to a manager’s job. Finding data and voice telecommunications service responsibilities split between two managers is not common. This will change as more company’s realize the role that telecommunications plays in day-to-day business operations.

Technology differences are minimized with the migration to digital transmission, since everything is converted to digitized data. The first steps are to bring all forms of telecommunications under one unit—be it a person, department, or division. The organizations size and strategic plan are key factors in establishing and managing telecommunications responsibilities.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Are you looking to correct the grammar or the factual information? Both have fairly obvious flaws…

Grammar example: Sentence 1…

Managing telecommunications properly in the Information Age is essentials

Uh… No. Maybe “Managing telecommunication systems properly in the Information Age is essential.”

Factual example: Paragraph 2, sentence 2:

Finding data and voice telecommunications service responsibilities split between two managers is not common.

Yes, it is common. Data and voice are frequently split. Also, there is usually more than 1 manager, you have the techs, the team lead, the department managers, reporting to a division manager, or whatever. Each company is different, but any company of size has more than 1 guy trying to manage their data and voice systems.