A few days ago

Please Help!!!!!!!?

Hi, how are you?

I supposed to write a SUPPORTED OPINION ESSAY on why human nature is good.

Somebody please give me a paragraph.

Best answer gets 10 points!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
William R

Favorite Answer

Although goodness is generally not considered to be a real or well-established property under the laws of physics, each person’s highly individual concept of the perfect good has profound psychological significance. Agreement is divided over the extent to which this “goodness” is connected with the real world, but there is little disagreement that one’s concept motivates one’s actions in the real world

A few days ago
Stephen H
So, for 10 fiduciarily worthless points, you want us to scramble to write your assignment for you? I think not! You just gave example of why human nature is NOT good, but can choose to be lazy, deceitful, and manipulative.