A few days ago

Please Help?

Little green frogs can catch 3 flies in one hour and Big Bull frogs can grab 8 flies each hour. In an average day, Big Bull frogs sleep 18 hours per day and little green frogs only need to sleep 7 hours per day. Based on this information, answer the following two questions:

1. After 3 full days, who can catch more flies, the Big Bull Frog or the little green frog?

2. How many more flies did that frog catch after 3 days?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’ll give you some help, but won’t answer it for you.

You need to determine how many flies each catches in a day. To do that …

Little frog 3 x 17 = ???

3 flies an hour for 17 hours (24-7)

Bull frog 8 x 6 = ???

8 flies an hour for 6 hours (24-18)

Once you have those numbers, you can answer your questions.


A few days ago
Rawr! :O
Little green frog: 24 – 7 = 17 hours * 3 (per hr)= 51 * 3 (days)= 153

Big Bull Frogs: 24 – 18 = 6 hours * 8 (per hr) = 48 * 3 (days) = 144

1. The Little green frog catches more flies.

2. It catches 9 more flies than the bull frog.


A few days ago
lgf = 3(24-7)

lgf = 3(17)=51 flies per day, over 3 days will catch 153 flies


=8(6)=48 flies per day, over 3 days will catch 144 flies

lgf caught 9 more flies over 3 days.


A few days ago

LGF 3*(24-7) => 3*17 => 51 day 153

BBF 8*(24-18) =>8*6 => 48 day 144

2) LGF caught 9 more flies.