A few days ago

please correct these sentences?

Examples of the positive effects of peers and friends on physical is having a friend that you spend time with; on mental/emotional is having a friend who does not participate in risky behaviors or activities; and on social health is having a friend who understand and listen to your problems. Negative effects of peers and friends on physical is when you and a friend got into a huge arguement; on mental/emotional is having a friend that pressures you to do bad things; and on social health is having a friend who does not care or support you.

please correct the grammar, dont worry about punctuations or spellings…thanks in advance!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
keith j

Favorite Answer

Examples of the positive effects of peers and friends on physical is having a friend that you spend time with;

on mental / emotional is having a friend who does not participate in risky behaviors or activities;

and on social health is having a friend who understand and listen to your problems.

Negative effects of peers and friends on physical is when you and a friend got into a huge argument;

on mental / emotional is having a friend that pressures you to do bad things;

and on social health is having a friend who does not care or support you.