A few days ago

Numerator of a fraction is 6 less than its denominator, and the value of the fraction is 3/5?

What is the fraction??

And clearly explain how to get an answer….thanks so much

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

let x be the denominator (an arbitrary choice) then:

(x-6)/x = 3/5 : algebraic equivalent given

3x = 5*(x-6) : cross multiplication

3x = 5x-30 : distribute multiplication

0 = 5x-3x – 30 subtract 3x from both sides

0 = 2x-30 : combine like terms

30 = 2x : subtract -30 (same as adding 30) to both sides

15 = x : divide both sides by 2

back to the original ratio:

(x-6)/ x = 3/5

x = 15 —> (15-6)/15 = 3/5

9/15 = (3*3)/(3*5) = 3/5 : cancel common factor of 3

the value of the fraction is 9/15 : answer


A few days ago
It is a problem to teach simplification by doing the reverse (unsimplifying the fraction). If you multiply a fraction by 1 you get the same fraction. This is useful because any number divided by itself equals one. So you just start trying numbers. First try 2/2 if you multiply 3/5 by 2/2 you get 6/10. This isn’t the answer because the top number (numerator) is only 4 less than the bottom number (denominator). So try 3/3. 3/3 times 3/5 is 9/15. Ahaa That is the answer since 9 is six less than 15.

Good luck!


A few days ago
The fraction is 9/15. If you reduce this fraction by dividing the top and the bottem 3 you will get 3/5. All I did was multiply the top and bottem by 3 which gives you 9/15. This is a multiple of 3/5. If you multiply the top and bottom number by the same number you will get a multiple.

3/5 x 3/3 you get 9/15.

15 – 9 = 6

I have the highest score in Ypsilanti for math so you can trust me for the correct answer.


A few days ago
billy g

3/5 * 2/2= 6/10- this has a value of 3/5 but the numerator is NOT 6 less than its denominator, so you go up

3/5 * 3/3= 9/15- this has a value of 3/5 when you simplify it and the numerator IS 6 less than it’s denominator


A few days ago
Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 3. You get 9/15. 15- 9 = 6.

A few days ago
MULTIPLY 3/5 X 3=9/15—9 IS 6 LESS THAN 15 AND 9/15 WHEN REDUCED = 3/5